
‘It was a good day that my first work was sent to Helen Bleck for copyediting. Her suggestions taught me much and I've always been happy to send subsequent projects to her – however crazy . . . Helen has a keen eye for detail, she checks sources and irons out any sloppiness in the most tactful way. Her comments are firm but supportive and easy to follow. My technical knowledge with modern devices is limited – Helen is patient and helpful with my queries. Her approach is friendly and kind with a practical way of dealing with instructions and limits. I feel she is on my side. Above all, Helen shows great respect for the original work she undertakes. I am grateful for her clear guidance and would highly recommend her work.’ J. L. K. Cross, author of Dear Lives and Early Graves and the forthcoming Artwork and Odd Stories and Mudge in the Mist

‘Helen is a fantastic editor. She has helped me with two of my books so far. The first was a fantasy novel which required structural editing to create a much shorter second edition, and Helen was very supportive. She suggested exercises and techniques to help me learn how to pace and rewrite sections, and it was a much better book afterwards! The second book is a romance I'm working on, and her perspective was enormously helpful in knowing how to improve the characters and balance of the novel. I would definitely recommend her!’ Cole Todd

‘Helen copyedited my first manuscript, which I am currently polishing, and it was exhilarating to work with her. Her unique blend of precision and lightness of touch made it much easier to see my work with fresh eyes. The fact that she understood what I was trying to do instantly and that we shared important literary references made this difficult process pleasant and efficient. I hope we will work together again in the future. I couldn't recommend her enough.’ Giulia Loi, author of Children of Mars (working title), and MFA candidate

‘Thank you for our wonderful collaborations! It's been a true pleasure to work with you and your fantastic talents. The perfect tonic for our projects.’ Sally Lewis, print and marketing coordinator, Scottish Book Trust

‘You were an absolute joy to work with and the book is so much better for your valuable input.’ Colin Gardner, Professor of Critical Theory and Integrative Studies at the University of California, whose thought-provoking and pertinent book, Chaoid Cinema, is published by Edinburgh University Press

‘Helen is brilliant to work with. She is very efficient, communicates very clearly and is quick to grasp what it is you are trying to achieve. I would wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone looking for an editor.’ Ailie Finlay, Flotsam & Jetsam, author of Huntington’s disease – a story for children and their families (SHAYP) and co-author of Beyond Memory: Storytelling & Singing, a guide for carers. These were commissioned as part of Ailie’s sensory storytelling projects with SHAYP and Edinburgh Festival Theatre’s Forget Me Not project. You can find out more about her work at Ailie's website.

‘I was introduced to Helen's editorial services by a fellow author. The service I received from her was more than expected. Helen’s patience, editorial advice and understanding helped and encouraged me to bring my book to publication. I remember her first words when I presented her with a bundle of chapters – “You do have a voice”. My self-doubt was lifted. I cannot recommend her highly enough.’ Anna Karczewska Slowikowska, author of Black Rose and African Violets, a simultaneous memoir, detective story and psychological reflection on the effects of war and displacement on survivors and their families. Find out more about her book on her publisher’s website.

‘Helen took my stories apart and helped me fit them back together, only much tighter and more cohesive than before her professional analysis. She noticed plot bunnies and gaps in characterisation which helped me make my submissions to publishers much stronger than they would have been otherwise. I absolutely recommend her for any project, large or small, and I’ll be banging on her virtual door when my next manuscript needs help to shine.’ Elise Alden, romance novelist, author of, among others, Hate to Love You and Pitch Imperfect (e-published by Carina Press). Have a look at her Amazon author page to find out more about her books.

‘Working with Helen, literally and literarily, was the thing that gave me the confidence to complete a work that I would surely have abandoned prematurely, without her amazing talent and also her patience.’ Jean Proctor, memoirist (project ongoing)

‘I first met Helen in 2012, brashly announcing to her that I was writing a thriller and would get in touch when it was ready. Sea of Gold was finally ready and published two years later, followed by Dark Ocean and Black Reef. All professionally edited by Helen.

None of them would be what they are, or have received such favourable reviews – many of which refer to the standard of writing – if Helen had not cast her sharp eye across every word.

Not only did she correct errors and spot inconsistencies in the plot, she also questioned and challenged me on a multitude of other issues – large and small.

She also encouraged and complimented, spurring me on to review and often rewrite passages until I was happy with the result.

Helen is always quick to respond, and not afraid to express her opinions, clearly and always in a friendly way. In practice she acts as my mentor; and I have learned much from her along the way.

I feel comfortable having Helen as my Editor. I’m in safe hands.’ Nick Elliott, self-published author of the Angus McKinnon thriller trilogy Sea of Gold, Dark Ocean and Black Reef. You can find out more about Nick and his books on his website.

‘Thanks for all you have done – hugely appreciated. You were brilliant, very patient, kind and understanding.’ Alastair Loudon, self-published author of Gentry Links: The Great Men of ‘The Golfers’. Alastair has contributed a blog to my site, and you can find out more about his book on his own website.

‘I’ve really appreciated Helen’s proofreading work and her professional, responsive communication. Thank you Helen!’ Joanna Ramsay, editor, Collins Learning

‘Helen has been working with the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland’s publication team as a copyeditor, proofreader and project manager for over a decade. She is a pleasure to work with, establishes great working relationships with our authors and is always prompt and responsive. Her experience with editorial work makes her insight and input into our style guide particularly valuable.’ Catherine Aitken, managing editor, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland

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